Dear Mom,
I haven’t talked to you in 44 years. You could say it sounds like forever, but it seems like yesterday when you dropped me off at the babysitters, promising to return. I have always thought about what I would say to you and how I would say it. I’m not sure what that would look like, but it sounds sad. You never know, maybe I would laugh when I’d hear the story of why you didn’t come back for your five year old child. Maybe you got arrested or maybe you met a really nice guy and he took you out to lunch. I do have to say that was a very long lunch. I think we would have had fun together. I became one of the Best Amateur fighters at 106 pounds in the country. You would have been proud. Although, after I retired from the sport, I got addicted to drugs and did 14 years in prison. I sure could have used a good talkin’ to from you at that time. It seems all my relationships with girls are terrible. For some reason, I just don’t trust the ladies. Anyway, you should stop by sometime and say hi.
Your boy,
Dave, age 51